If we accept that T. Max. is a Haranks natural state then all Haranks, energy and matter would try to achieve this state of maximum time [it's equilibrium state] or if this was not possible they would be drawn to a point where time was running faster than it's current position.

All rotating objects have one thing in common their axis rotate slower than any other point on or within their structure, now relativity tells us that the faster an object travels the slower time becomes for it. The same rule applies to the structures themselves, at each point out from the axis time will be marginally slower as each point out moves at a marginally faster rate. It follows therefore that there would be a potential between points of slow and fast time.

It is this potential between different time zones which creates all the forces of attraction such as gravity, electro-magnetism, the weak force and the nuclear forces et al.

At the quantum level the weak and nuclear would hold sway and at the planetary and stellar level gravity would be the dominant force. Electro-magnetism would operate at both levels. It should be noted that these forces would be working in conjunction with each other and that they are driven by the need for matter and energy to achieve the fastest time available within their "immediate locality".

Another feature of the Null Universes is that none of the forces exist, this force free environment would also be a state to which matter, energy and haranks would strive to attain, but although in space the forces are relatively weak , space itself is full of particles travelling at or near the speed of light.

At the macro level the only place where fast time and an illusion of a force free environment would exist is at the centre of a planet, star or black hole etc., where it's equator crosses it's axis. At this point the various forces would be cancelled out.

Although the attractive forces are quite weak it should be remembered that because atoms, planets, stars and black holes are in constant if variable motion with each other it is likely that a body's point of fastest time and neutral forces will be slightly off-centre and that this point will be varying constantly.

Because the various forces are created by the potential in time between different points on or within a rotating object it is evident that the faster an object revolves the greater will be the forces generated.

Although it might appear an anomaly that a faster rotating object will have greater attractive powers than a slower moving object this is due entirely to the fact that the potential of time between the various points on the faster object will be greater than that of the slower object.

Another way of looking at relativity is that as an object receives more energy it experiences a slowing down of it's internal clock, for an object to speed up it's internal clock and achieve it's best equilibrium state it must therefore lose energy. This creates an impasse, as an object tries to achieve faster rates of time it releases energy as do other objects within it's vicinity this release of energy prevents both matter and energy from achieving T. max..

This mechanism, the gravity trap, stops matter and energy reverting back to their original state of pure time. Similar mechanisms operate at the atomic and sub-atomic level.

It should be stressed that no matter what the size of an object is, whether a black hole, a star, a planet, an atom or a sub-atomic particle if it rotates [as it must in a relativistic universe] a potential of time exists between it's surface and it's axis and all points in between. Even particles of energy will have potentials of time throughout its essence creating their own forces of attraction.

Within a moving reference system it is not possible for all points on any object whether matter or energy to enjoy the same time throughout it's structure. Even if an object appeared to move in a perfectly straight line, or seemed to be perfectly motionless, it would still be rotating through the star system and the galaxy.