Time Theory Analysis

 John Reid (c)

Time Theory Analysis came about because of an incident which happened whilst at Ordsall Junior School in December 1961, we were having an astronomy lesson with Mr Tom Burke when I asked "how was the Universe formed", his response was "Nobody knows and if they tried they would go mad trying!". With the arrogance of youth I though I bet I can do it! He was right in one respect. I walk that thin dividing line between madness and insanity!

It wasn't until the spring of 1977 until I finally made a breakthrough, I was sat in the refractory of Salford University having "a discussion" with a friend when I had an  epiphany! It was if a door had been opened! I am not saying it all came flooding in, the more I delved into it the deeper it dragged me in! It was definitely like an onion.